Birth is just the beginning of your story…

The 4th Trimester / Postpartum Period can make or break your healing and long term health. You may not even realize it, but what you do in the first 40 days after the birth of your baby will directly affect you for the next 40 years of your life!

Let’s start off your postpartum recovery following ancient traditions spanning thousands of years.

Birth & postpartum doula

As a doula, my focused approach is on the mother’s healing and placing her recovery as a top priority. The ways you and your newborn transition into the postpartum period will have a long-term, lasting impact (positive or negative) on your family’s emotional and physical health. Start your healing today!

A holistic approach

Pregnancy is presented in our society as an adventure that ENDS with birth

However, after the baby is delivered and the umbilical cord is cut, many women feel neglected, forgotten, their health is brushed under the rug, with the main focus only on the child.  This is very ironic as the mother is the life force to the child.

Let’s heal the right way with nutritional FOODS, BODY WORK, BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT, BELLY BINDING, INFANT CARE, and more!

“Working with Sara feels like you’re WORKING WITH A FRIEND…. just one who happens to know EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED when in the roller coaster, that is the first few weeks POSTPARTUM.”


Belly-binding is a key tenet of my practice and is a belly wrapping technique originating in Malaysian traditions. Also known as Bengkung Belly Binding, this ancient art entails wrapping a woman’s abdomen post baby (from the lower hips to the ribcage) with 16 yards of cloth.  Belly binding has countless emotional and physical benefits, and each client receives a customized fit, specific to her body.